7 Social Media Insights For Your Funeral Home’s Success

7 Social Media Insights For Your Funeral Home’s Success

In 2022, social media is one of the most potent tools for connecting to people who are searching for funeral homes. Unless you evaluate your current business standard, you can never determine the top strategies to make the funeral home more popular. 

The owners of Singapore bereavement services should concentrate on social media strategies for connecting to a larger audience base. 

Keep reading the following insights to implement the social media strategies successfully for the funeral home. 

Insight #1: Figure out the right platforms

According to market research experts, there are three platforms where maximum client families look for funeral services:

  • Facebook (preference of 71% of customers)
  • Youtube (preference of 51% of customers)
  • Instagram (preference of 49% of customers)

Of course, there are Snapchat and TikTok. But these are more related to the younger generations. To figure out the right platform, consider the target audience. 

Insight #2: Use videos

Audience engagement is a must if you are planning to use the user base of social media platforms. Emotional videos can be an excellent way to connect with the target audience. You can deliver valuable information through videos. 

  • The conversion rate can increase by 86%
  • Users may spend 88% more time on your page
  • Brand recognition increment possible by 13%

Video marketing through sharing videos of funeral wakes can make the grieving people feel how your service can add a special touch to the funeral.

Insight #3: Nature of content to post

The short-form videos about the funerals that you have arranged will help many potential client families to perceive what you can do. Share images live videos, and even GIFs to send out the messages. 

Text-based posts can also help many families to know who you are and assess the nature of your service. 

Insight #4: Highlight positive feedback

As you plan to use social media platforms to promote the funeral home, you should always focus on sharing positive feedback about the business. 

  • When a person is looking for the right Singapore bereavement services, the person will always want to know what the existing clients have to say about the business. 
  • Once you share positive feedback that talks about various good aspects of the company, you will make people more confident about your company. 

You can use the feedback as a graphic post on the social media site. 

Insight #5: Offer informational contents

When you are creating social media posts for funeral homes, consider posting content that will help the audience. As most people are clueless about how to arrange a proper funeral

Why don’t you share some really helpful content about funeral servicesShare information that will help the audience to get answers to several queries. Common topics include

  • Cost of average funeral service providers
  • Difference between open and closed casket
  • How to choose between burial and cremation

Such topics are informative and show your genuine interest in helping people. 

Insight #6: Prompt response

People notice how you react or reply to their comments on social media posts. If you offer prompt replies, you can expect to create a better connection with potential customers. 

If someone is commenting on a video of a funeral wakepromptly respond to the posts. The quick replies show that you are a dedicated professional.

Insight #7: Frequency of posts

One good post every day will maintain consistency in the visibility of the brand. 74% of customers think that 1 to 2 posts per day are good for the brand. Too many posts will seem spammy. 

The above insights will help you a lot in gaining more business from social media sites. 

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