6 Smart Ways To Save On Funeral Costs In Singapore

Taoist funeral package

The funeral cost can be very high, which can be a massive burden for a family who has just lost a loved one. But if you want a less expensive funeral, there are many things you can do to cut costs and still do something meaningful. Here are seven ideas for a cheap catholic funeral that still shows respect for the person who died.

Try These 6 Ways To Save A Lot of Funeral Costs In Singapore

  • Understand The Options

If you say you want something simple but don’t explain what you mean, your survivors may spend more than you would have liked. You or someone you care about can choose between a simple cremation or a long wake before a funeral. You can let people see the body at home or have a viewing at the funeral home. 

  • Evaluate Packages Carefully

Some funeral homes bundle their services, like a basic funeral, a viewing, and a ceremony at the grave. Ask for a price breakdown to compare it to other funeral home packages.

  • Buy Only What You Want 

Bring an intelligent friend with you when you go shopping for a funeral. This person will help you stick to your plans. Some think that how much they spend shows how much they love the person, which can cause them to spend more than they planned. Some salespeople with less integrity will act as if anything other than what is “traditional” is wrong.

Friends and family will care more about a Taoist funeral service that is unique and made just for them than one that looks like every other one. 

  • Skip Embalming

Embalming is a painful process that is only required by law very rarely. Embalming can be helpful in situations like when there is a long time between death and the viewing. It is unnecessary if the burial or cremation happens within two days. In most states, refrigeration is a good option.

  • Consider Direct Cremation

Most Taoist funeral services providers will either cremate or bury the body of your loved one. Cremation would be the most cost-effective choice if your loved one didn’t care how they were buried. The least expensive option is to have the government handle the cremation.

  • Use The Internet To Your Advantage

Many more minor parts of planning a funeral or letting people know about it used to be done on paper (such as funeral announcements, thank you cards, and obituaries). Making a memorial website can do these things online, sometimes even for free. Ever Loved lets you easily share event information, collect RSVPs, send thank-you notes, and connect with your community through memorial websites.


Even if you want to give your loved one the best Taoist funeral package, you don’t have to go into debt. If you are planning a funeral for a loved one before they die, you might want to find out if they have saved any money for it, bought a funeral plan, or had life insurance. You could also find ways to shorten the length of the service and reduce the number of people you invite. 

There are many Taoist funeral services providers offering the best under a perfect package. Contact them today and avail their services now!!


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