All you need to know about Buddhist Funeral Customs and Service Rituals

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Buddhist Funeral Customs & Traditions

Funeral customs of Buddhist differ within their various sects and also from one country to the next. Some Buddhist funeral package is very simple and dignified while some are very ritualistic and traditional. It would be better if the family donates money to a good cause and transfer the merit to the deceased. This is better than spending lavishly on expensive rituals and traditions. For this, you can take help from a Buddhist funeral service in Singapore to organize the same. If in doubt, ask us. We are here to guide you.

In Buddhist funeral package customs, a Buddhist monk is present, who delivers a sermon and perform Buddhist rites. If a monk is not available then others conduct the service. Rituals such as pouring water from a vessel into an overflowing cup, preaching, offering cloth to the presiding monk on the deceased’s and giving offerings or almsgiving by family or other mourners to transfer the merit to the deceased. Few steps to follow include the following:

  • Chant appropriate prayers
  • To symbolize that grief has left them the need for support they should walk with sticks
  • To sweeten the air they should burn incense
  • Offer of flowers and fruit
  • They should ring gongs or bells

Final Resting Place

Cremation is traditional but the deceased can opt for cremation or burial. Before the casket is sealed monks from Buddhist funeral service in Singapore perform the last rites and family members as a final act of service help in lifting the casket while others who are attending the service observe a moment of respectful silence. All the family members walk behind the coffin during the funeral procession, while all attendees should be sending noble thoughts to the family and contemplate the momentariness of life. If you are unsure, speak to us. We are here to help. We are available 24/7. Call us to find out more.

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